Probus Club of Warragul - Tarago Inc.


 Probus club #1006155   incorporation number A0047473C


Our Coffee and Walking Group.

"THE Meanderes" founded March 2024

 Our leader is:  Dianne P, 0438 314 143 .  

We all meet at Burke (Bourke) Street park just before 9:00 AM each month 


We have an IMPORTANT rule that no-one may walk by themselves,

There must be at least 2 in a group, obviously this is for safety. 

Everyone should bring water, a hat and good walking shoes.

We will normally have COFFEE afterwards at a café nearby of course, when available.

We have a tail end Charlie to make sure everyone is present.

Future walks:


Friday 19th April,

Rokeby rail train starting western end, we met at Burke street and car pooled and drove to Rokeby and parked at the rear of the hall.

Then we all carefully crossed the main road and carefully walked down the steep hill to the rail trail, then walked up to the old Telegraph road we then walked back inspecting the Tarago river and then a Bower birds Bower he obviously likes Blue colour.

Up the big hill and our cars and back to a well earned morning tea at the Neighbourhood Cafe.

Thanks Di and Keith.

Our Group ready to go.

Bower birds Bower.

Keith and Ron checking the Tarago river.

Our first walk:

Friday 15th March at the Edward Hunter Bush Reserve in Moe around the lake. It was a 3 km walk and only one short hill, which we will go up very slowly. 

We pooled cars to drive to Moe.  

We were home by lunchtime. 

We had eleven very happy people come. 

Please let Dianne P know if you would like to join in.

Future walks:

Friday, 19th April, and we will do the Rokeby Rail Trail.