Probus club #1006155 incorporation number A0047473C
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Meanderers Walking Group 3rd Friday 9 AM Burke Street.
Committee meetings at the Community House monthly on the first Wednesday at 9:00 AM. Computer group monthly, every second Friday at 10 AM, at the Club Hotel Warragul table 18. Coffee and Chat group monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday 10 AM at NEW MASON Joy 5626 1382. Fish and Chips at Bowling Club 6 PM (Come a bit earlier for Car Parking and socialising) fortnightly on Friday DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMES. Starting 2023 October 6th. BOOKING MUST BE MADE BY 5 PM Thursday Prior to Kath 0448 004 828. "Meanderers" Group Interesting walks around the district 9 AM Third Friday meet Burke Street Park. Probus General Meetings monthly, usually 3rd Wednesday 9:45 AM. Scrabble group monthly, on the second Wednesday, at Dianne's at 2 PM NO SCRABBLE DECEMBER. Science group Warragul Lawn Bowling Club monthly on the 2nd Monday (3rd if long Weekend) arrive 10 AM, start 10:30 AM finish at 12. Shares group Drouin Library 1:30 PM monthly, on the 1st Friday, 1:30 to 3:30 PM. "Wanderers" Walking group 9:30 AM Coffee Choo Choo's every Tuesday 10 AM. Committee meetings at the Community House monthly on the first Wednesday at 9:00 AM.